Tuesday, November 17, 2009

to answer CN's question

TPM reader CN asks a question:
Let me get this straight: we kept KSM and his buddies in Gitmo for eight years, no trial, no process, under harsh conditions including torture -- and now that we're finally giving them a trial in civilian court, NOW Al-Qaeda wants to retaliate? NOW they're going to kidnap the mayor's daughter and demand that KSM be released? It doesn't even make sense on its own terms.
CN is overlooking the fact that gitmo is a magical place where the normal rules don't apply. it's both cuba and american. it's also american but not america. no process is due except that the supreme court of the united states says that it is. gitmo is like that steel chamber in shrodinger's hypothetical, except without the hydrocyanic acid or the cat. its quantum dampening field both cancels out the superpowers of those who are detained there and emits a powerful SEP field to al qaeda members at large in the outside world.

once detainees are brought to the mainland, the spell will be broken. that is the danger we face. once they leave gitmo, no mere mortal supermax facility will be able to hold them. KSM's radioactive eyebeams will melt those puny bars lickity split! outside of the forbidden zone that is gitmo, their secret subdermal transponders will reactivate. osama himself will hear the ping in his cave, remember that KSM has been held all this time and throw together a nefarious plot that would not have been possible so long as the detainees were all tucked into their snugly gitmo beds.