Saturday, July 31, 2010


given the way that the anti-defamation league has acted over the last few years, it really should come as no surprise that they came down on the pro-bigot side of the "ground zero mosque controversy." a whole lot of commentators have already pointed out just how ridiculous the ADL's stance is (and i mean a lot, so many i had to stretch out this sentence to include all these links).

abe foxman has managed to take an institution that has spent almost 100 years forging a reputation for opposing bigotry in all forms, and turn it into little more than an american appendage of the israeli far-right. it's sad to watch an organization that used to have so much integrity shit all over itself like this. but i guess it's good to have it made perfectly clear that the ADL can't really be called a civil rights organization anymore.

ADDING: m.j. rosenberg gives some context. as i said, in the post: the latest ADL statement is generating a lot of outrage, but it really is consistent with how foxman's ADL has been heading in recent years. these days they're more like the american chapter of yisrael beiteinu than an anti-bigotry group.
