Sunday, August 22, 2010

it's worse than that, he's dead jim

the reason i like my iphone is because it consolidates all these things i used to carry around into a single object. my phone, PDA, ipod, internet surfing device, SEPTA schedule and watch are all my iphone these days. sometimes it's also my newspaper, tv and radio. there's a problem with that strategy. if i should, say, drop my iphone in the toilet (by accident!), all of those things are wiped out at once. whereas in the past, to ruin everything i would have to drop so much stuff in the toilet the top things would probably still be dry.

so last night, as my iphone was sitting in a bag of jasmine rice, i went into philly but realized that i didn't know the train schedule for getting home, didn't know the time (so even if i had a train schedule it wouldn't matter) and didn't have anything to do if i actually got on the train.

okay, it wasn't that bad. i could rely on the ancient technology of asking people. that at least handled the first two. and i did bring a book, so #3 wasn't a big deal either.

this morning my phone smells like jasmine but otherwise is just a very expensive paperweight. i made a morning date with a genius. we'll see whether they can revive the patient.

UPDATE: nope. and the stupid water sensor ratted me out and voided the warranty. i do have a new phone though. i just had to pay for it. i think the lesson in all of this is to avoid toilets at all cost.