Friday, September 03, 2010

can't hide it all

like clockwork, a right wing rally happens and a video of interviews with participants appears on the internet, showing how uninformed the participants are.

the aftermath of other right wing rallies haven't just featured these kind of videos (what i think of as the max blumenthal genre on youtube). in the past, the post-rally period has often also featured photos of extremist signs. but glenn beck banned participants from holding signs, presumably to prevent embarrassing photos showing what his crazy followers actually think. pam geller seems to be following glenn's lead for her upcoming rally. but i bet by september 13th we will still have video evidence that geller's people don't know shi'ite from shinola.

the problem is that they can't really ban video cameras because they want attention. that's the whole point of these rallies. if they hide so much that no one knows the rally took place, it undermines what they're trying to do. which means that the max blumenthal genre is here to stay.