Tuesday, December 14, 2010

curses, foiled again!

it's been a year already. my echo comment account expires at the end of the day tomorrow.

which means i have to decide whether i want to shell out another ten twelve1 bucks for a comment system that i don't really like. (i miss haloscan!) last year when i gave in and paid i wrote: "that ten bucks at least buys me a year to find another free comment service that i like." well guess what? i haven't gotten around to looking for another free comment system and i'm facing yet another crunch in my personal life.

so i'm going to give in this year again. more money for a system that is worse than the free system i used to have. a quick google reveals the alternatives listed in the comments here, but i can't look into them now. which means that one year from now i'll probably be in exactly the same boat.

1-they raised the price to $12 per year! bastards!!! now i'm determined to ditch echo before i'm in this situation next year.