Monday, December 06, 2010

sucky negotiator in chief

just because captain caveman cut a deal doesn't mean that congressional dems have to go along with it. but is there any doubt that they won't go along with it?

if the president was going to give a temporary extension to all of the tax cuts he could have insisted that the unemployment extension lasted just as long. the GOP wanted this bad. even in caving, he probably could have gotten more than he did.

it's also worth noting that one major difference between obama and mccain in the 2008 election was that mccain ran on extending the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts whereas obama ran on ending them for the wealthiest americans. the electorate made it clear which one they preferred. and yet obama has just effectively adopted mccain's position for the remainder of his first term. he had the upper hand and he pissed it away.

(video inspired by brendan on FB)