Saturday, December 31, 2011

december 30

yesterday (or maybe today) samoa moved from one side of the international date line to the other. on that island december 30, 2011 never happened and december 29th slid right on over to december 31st. presumably they chose that date because they wanted the change to become effective with the new year, but they didn't want to erase the new year's holiday in the process.

so why didn't they just wait two months and make the skip happen at the end of february? 2012 is a leap year, so they could skip february 29th. a december 30th will probably be missed a lot more than a february 29th. the latter doesn't happen most years, so most people are used to a 28 day february anyway.

not that anyone asked me. it just seems like there's a convenient day to skip coming in the near future. i wonder why no one thought to use that when they made the switch.