Saturday, July 19, 2014


As I have hinted at previously, we are moving next month. I have lived in this house for nine years, which got me thinking about how the duration of time I have lived in each place since college has steadily increased.

First law school apartment: 1 year (1992-93)
Second law school apartment: 2 years (1993-95)
Chicago apartment: 4 years (1995-99)
First PA apartment: 6 years (1999-2005)
Current PA house: 9 years (2005-09)

Then I tried to figure out what mathematical formula would produce the series 1-2-4-6-9. What I came up with is this:

(current number x 1.3) + 1, then round to the nearest whole number

So 1 x 1.3 = 1.3 + 1 = 2.3, rounded to 2
Then 2 x 1.3 = 2.6 + 1 = 3.6, rounded to 4
Then 4 x 1.3 = 5.2 + 1 = 6.2, rounded to 6
Then 6 x 1.3 = 7.8 + 1 = 8.8, rounded to 9

Which means that we will stay in our new house for 13 years:
9 x 1.3 = 11.7 + 1 = 12.7, rounded to 13.

Which means once we get through this move, there won't be another one until 2027. That sounds pretty good to me.