Monday, April 24, 2017

When given a choice between provoking a crisis or humiliation...

...Trump will provoke a crisis. Which means a government shutdown and a humiliation for Trump when he inevitably compromises to end the shutdown.

In that sense, the crisis option (i.e. a government shutdown) is worse for the President. Trump's only benefit from a shutdown is that his humiliation would come after the 100th day of his Presidency rather that before, which means it won't be reflected in the already expected to be scathing reviews of his first 100 days. But that benefit would only be short-term He still gets scathing reviews for his disfunctional first 100 days, and then additional reflections about what a burning sack of shit this administration is at some later point when he provokes a government shutdown while his party controls both Congress and the Presidency, and then is forced to give in on all of his red lines when the matter is inevitably resolved later. At least the latter won't be part of his 100 day review!

I have no doubt that the President will choose that objectively worse option. This time next week, I predict the U.S. government will be shut down. The news media will be filled with stories about Trump's unimaginable incompetence when it first occurs, followed by stories about his sinking poll numbers as it drags on. But at least those stories will bury the embarrassing 100 day review articles! And maybe we will finally find out what presidential fuckups will finally prove to be too much for the loyal Trump voter.

(via Atrios)