Friday, January 25, 2019

Trump doesn't need to find a way to end the shutdown

If Trump really wants to end the shutdown, he can do something about it, like ending the shutdown.

He happens to be one of the only people in the U.S. who could end it today (even Mitch McConnell, in an alternate reality where he suddenly sees the light and decides to stop being a hackish Trump lackey would need to take some time to round up the votes from other Senators to end the shutdown). All Trump has to do is ask Congress to pass an immediate continuing budget resolution to reopen the government without any conditions. That would be it.

The whole idea that he is trying to find a way to end the shutdown is utter bullshit. He has a straightforward way right in front of him. What he is trying to do is find a way to end the shutdown that doesn't make him look like a loser. His problem is that there doesn't seem to be any way to do that.