Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Senate Republicans are scared and don't care about the future of the country

It is pretty crazy that Senate Republicans are completely giving up on Congressional oversight just for the short-term gain of not having embarrassing testimony about the current president.

I am sure they will magically rediscover the merits of Congressional oversight as soon as the next Democrat becomes president. But in the meantime they are going on record as not caring (thus weakening their argument later). And while the Trump Administration's stonewalling will be challenged in Court, there is a small but real chance that the current Trump-packed judiciary would buy at least some of Trump's arguments, which will create a precedent to severely weaken all member's of Congress' ability to check the executive branch in the future.

I suspect most Republicans are hoping the Courts enforce the House subpoenas and issue a bunch of decisions upholding Congressional oversight. That way Congressional Republicans won't have to grow a spine and risk the wrath of the hordes of stupid trumpers. But at least for the Senate Republicans who were just reelected last year and won't have to face a primary challenge until this is all a distant memory (e.g. Ted Cruz), they are risking the future of the country just to avoid some constituents yelling at them. It is hard to imagine a more craven unpatriotic group than that.