Thursday, May 02, 2019

Trains of thought

I think Democrats are split between:

(1) People who see Trump as an unmitigated disaster who must not win a second term at all costs. So they feel threatened by any candidate who appears to be too far left to appeal to hypothetical moderates who they believe will decide the election.

(2) People who see Trump as such an unmitigated disaster that the 2020 election will be a referendum on his terrible presidency no matter who is the Democratic nominee. So next year presents the rare opportunity to get a real progressive in the oval office rather than the usual milquetoast moderate who will tack right as soon as he or she is sworn in.

I'm definitely in the second camp. Also, I have no faith in people's ability to make accurate prediction about "electability." So the entire premise of #1 is fatally flawed, IMHO.