Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Confederacy of Dunces

It is really fascinating to watch all these Republicans working so hard to kill their own constituents
Republican governors across the Southeast are teaming up to reopen the region’s economy, even as they lack the testing to know how rapidly the coronavirus is spreading.  
One health expert called the political decision a “perfect storm” for the virus to reassert itself.

The newly formed coalition includes Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Tennessee, Alabama and Mississippi, a part of the country that has underfunded health systems, as well as high rates of obesity, diabetes and other illnesses that amplify the deadliness of the coronavirus.
Again, this is a disease that is much more deadly for older people, the very age group that Republicans depend upon to win elections. I kinda understand it when politicians make stupid or even dangerous decisions because it will help them politically. But is there any scenario where this effort turns out well for these guys?