Thursday, August 05, 2021

Silver linings

Back in the golden age of blogging, back when I had a few regular conservatives who commented here (maybe I should call it "the Golden Boy age"), the trolls would sometimes demand I list the things that President W. Bush did that I approved of. I guess they were challenging me to prove I wasn't just a mindless Bush-hater.

Anyway, I recently tried to play that game with Trump and it was even tougher. There was that criminal justice reform bill, and operation warp speed was a good idea even if it didn't make up for the other massive fuck ups in Trump's COVID response. And after that I ended up falling back on the fact that Trump didn't intend to do but did anyway, like I approve of the fact that he was such a massive incompetent fuck-up he wasn't able to successfully pull off a coup. But I don't think those things really count.

But maybe one silver lining from the Trump Presidency is he managed to end near-universal support among Republicans for endless wars. That could turn out to be the best silver lining of them all.