Saturday, July 03, 2004

buy! buy! buy!

mrs. noz and i bought several expensive toys today, and it's not even 1:30 yet. i ordered an ibook this morning. this marks my turn back to the mac universe. i used to be a hardcore mac person, but then the games lured me away to p.c. i really like my current desktop, which runs on xp, but i miss the mac operating system. so now i've found the perfect compromise: i will keep this windows-based desktop, but get a mac laptop (and set up a wireless network in our apt, of course). i have been looking for new ways to waste time on the internet. perhaps this is the solution.

meanwhile, we also got a bunch of pieces of furniture. we were going to get three pieces, but while we were in the store one woman literal bought this chair we wanted right out from underneath me. i was sitting on the chair, telling mrs. noz that we should get it when i woman showed up saying "get out of my chair!" the salesman in tow explained that she just bought it and that they didn't have any more in stock. he also added that the manufacturer has stopped making this particular chair and will never ever make anything like it again as the designer has fled to bolivia to avoid the feds. okay, he didn't say that last bit, but it was still bubble bursting to see this random lady cart off what by all rights was our chair

but despite these setbacks, we still managed to dump a wad of money this morning. it's rather frightening how quick and easy it is charge everything. usually we're much more careful and conservative with money. i just hope my wireless network is up and running before the bill comes.