i didn't die, i got an ipod. endless nagging does work after all. on sunday mrs. noz crumbled and i got my birthday present a few weeks early. so i've been loading the ipod instead of posting recently.
for any of you who are more ipod savvy than me, here's a question: along with a bunch of music, i also loaded some tracks from the c.d. that came with my arabic text book. yesterday on the train, i put my ipod on "shuffle." after a few songs i heard this woman's voice say "min al-qamuus" and then begin reading in a monotone various vocabulary words. is there any way i can set this thing to shuffle through all of my music except the arabic instructional tracks? a co-worker came up with one answer, but it would involve constant management of a playlist as i loaded and unloaded music and i think that's more that i can reasonably be expected to keep up
i seem to be turning this site into a question and answer page. sorry about that. i promise more screeds at some point in the future. bear with me in the meantime and just answer the friggin question!