Monday, January 23, 2006


i think i've mentioned before that i usually blow off blog memes; they're stupid and annoying and usually not even that interesting to read. but the flip-side of "usually" is that on rare occasions i actually do give in and play along.

ntodd tagged me this morning. i'm pretty sure that ntodd tagged me for another meme that i blew off last month, so i guess i'm feeling guilted into going along this time. so without further ado, here's the deal:

1. Go into your archives.
2. Find your 23rd post.
3. Post the fifth sentence (or closest to it).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions.
5. Tag five other people to do the same thing.

so my 23rd post is this one. it's only two words long, not even a title. the closest thing to the fifth sentence is the only sentence:
happy sarah?
y'see, in those days my blog was mostly dedicated to pissing off sarah (as opposed now when this site is dedicated to several different things, pissing off sarah among them). prior to july 4, 2003, i didn't have comment and sarah demanded i get them.

so that's all the post was about. just a small skirmish in a larger battle. but not all that exciting when you get down to it.

but hey, if you're pissed off that this post is senseless, blame ntodd, not me.

oh right... my last duty as taggee is to become the tagger for five other poor saps. i'm gonna hit:

sir oolius and/or anita job

the liberal avenger

the countess

moi ;)

and, of course, sarah

anyone who blows me off gets seven years bad luck. register your compliance with a trackback ping or in the comments.