Sunday, April 16, 2006

noz smash!

i guess i'm not doing this right. maybe i need to drink more coffee.

any article that tries to cram all leftist bloggers into a category like "angry" obviously has it's problems. sure, there are a lot of pissed off people out there. on occasion i am one of them. but i'm hardly convinced that that's the typical profile of the liberal blogger.

and i like how the article mentions eschaton and the daily kos, as if they're part of the "angry blogger" phenomenon. but the only concrete examples of anger coming out of those sites are from the comments of their readers. "How about the 125,000 or so daily visitors to Eschaton?" the article asks. indeed, how about them? with so many readers, why does the article mention the comments of only one? by that logic the washington post is the newspaper of child molesters. since, you know, there's probably at least one that reads a newspaper with that wide a circulation.

(via MatthewB)