Monday, June 19, 2006

another cable?

scout prime writes that there is another cable from the american embassy in addition to the june 6th one discussed in the below post (i call the cable a "memo" because the cable is written in memo form). the second cable (actually the first) is dated may 6, 2006 and mentioned in a june 7, 2006 article by al kamen, the same reporter who publicized the june 6th cable in an article in yesterday's post.

scout mentions that "Topics and details quoted from the May 6th cable are not in the June 6th cable" but it still occurs to me that the june 6th mention of a "May 6, 2006 cable" could have been a typo. the "topics and details" said to be present in the may 6th cable but missing in the june 6th one could just be because only the june 6th one has been made public. maybe on june 7th, kamen hadn't yet seen the actual text of the cable yet, but rather was quoting what someone told him was in the cable and that source got some details wrong

or maybe not. i'm not trying to downplay the significance of the cable or cables--the june 6th one i think is really damning and i'd be happy to look at another one if someone can find its text. but because of the similarity of the dates, the fact that both were obtained by kamen, and that kamen put the june 6th one on the washington post site but didn't with the may 6th one, makes me wonder if it's not just a mistyped date.