Tuesday, September 12, 2006

threat assessment

attaturk wrote the guest post on atrios that i wish i had written.

he's right. terrorists groups can kill people, but they can't destroy our society or system of government. that's something only we can do to ourselves. the rightwing gets excited whenever someone writes that george bush is a greater threat to this nation than osama bin laden. but at least in one sense, that threat assessment is correct. bush is in a greater position to dismantle this country than bin laden ever will be. that's true of any president, not just bush. but as long as he is president, it's our job to make sure he doesn't do what al qaeda can't. that's what checks and balances are for. and that's why a president who employs as its chief legal theorist a guy who doesn't understand the most basic way our system of government is supposed to work can reasonably be viewed as a threat to that system.