Tuesday, November 14, 2006

short iraq rant

there is no effective security in iraq right now. our troops certainly aren't delivering it. what other conclusion can you draw from the kidnapping of 100-150 people from a government building in the capital city in broad daylight. the kidnappers were wearing iraqi uniforms, it might have even been done by the government itself, we don't even know something basic like that.

honestly, for a little while the "we can't leave iraq or it will fall into chaos" argument made some sense to me, but i don't see how even that argument is sustainable anymore. when something like this can happen with 130,000 u.s. troops in iraq, we're definitely not providing security or stability. probably iraq will get worse in the short term if we leave, but it's also getting worse in the long run with us there. and the only remaining scenarios for a lasting solution that are at all realistic require a u.s. pullout.