Saturday, June 16, 2007


this is our first saturday afternoon at home without guests in a long long time.

so (inshallah) we're finally gonna see the last two episodes of the sopranos. since the great comcast war of 2005 the noz mansion has been without HBO.1 our usual source for HBO goodness skipped town, which meant that mrs. noz and i were out of the loop for the greatest cultural event in modern history.

actually, all the sopranos closing hype did surprise me. i knew the show was popular, but i also knew plenty of people who never watched it. and in this age of TIVO, on-demand and DVD-Rs there probably were a fair number of people who did follow the show, but didn't necessarily tune in last sunday. despite that, the post-soprano articles and references all this week were really overwhelming. it was almost impossible not to accidentally read spoilers. i haven't seen the episodes as of this writing, and yet i know who dies in the penultimate episode and several scenes of the last episode (including the very last scene). i tried hard to avoid any mention of the show, but even with all my efforts it wasn't quite good enough.

in any case, thanks to a friend with a pirate canadian satellite and a DVD-R burner, we got our hands on the final two. by early evening we should finally be done with the series. just like everyone else.

1-i guess i never really gave the story of the glorious war with comcast in a post. the short version: after numerous frustrating skirmishes with the company, we ultimately won the war--the cable company finally did set up service in our new home (never mind that it wasn't quite new anymore when they finally did). but every war has it's costs; we took some casualties. HBO was one of those casualties.