Wednesday, May 07, 2008

cyberstalking pays off

last february i happened upon the blog of a friend who i had neither seen nor spoken to in almost twenty years. she lived relatively close to philadelphia, and so i referred to her blog in my weekly drinking liberally post. then i continued to gratuitously link to her blog in every subsequent drinking liberally post as an implicit but also semi-creepy and cyber-stalky invitation to come see me at our weekly gathering at tangiers.

while my old friend clearly noticed, at first she didn't seem to get the stalking thing. (you're supposed to get a restraining order, not feed your stalker links). she also made it clear that she knew exactly who i was.

anyway, last night she actually showed up. it was great to see her after all these years. i just can't believe that my crazy plan actually worked.

so who should i stalk next?