Saturday, October 18, 2008

SOFA surprise

it really does look like there will be a status of forces agreement with iraq. i must admit, i didn't think the bush administration would be able to pull it off. or, more specifically, just a few months ago, i never would have thought that this administration would agree to a specific timetable for withdrawal of u.s. forces from the country, subjecting u.s. contractors to iraqi law and legal liability under the iraqi system, and lifting the immunity of u.s. soldiers in some circumstances. it really is a remarkable reversal on a lot of issues that once were presented as uncrossable red lines for president bush. it seems that the bush administration wanted a SOFA agreement so badly, it was willing to give in on all the major issues with the iraqi government.

which makes me wonder why they wanted the SOFA so badly. is it a legacy thing? that is, does bush think ending his term with an agreement like this will make history judge him less harshly? is it because the administration really is afraid that the UN mandate will expire at the end of the year and that to have u.s. presence become illegal on january 1st? does he see that as worse than getting a SOFA even though much of the world already views the american presence in iraq as illegal? also, if that is the reason, the u.s. didn't get a proper extension of the UN mandate last year. so why would they suddenly care now?

is there another reason for the reversal that i haven't thought of? does anyone have any ideas?