Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Jeb not pulling a Mitt

Yet another reason that I am thankful that Mitt Romney lost his 2012 run for President is that it assured that the tradition of presidential candidates publicly disclosing their tax records would continue. Mitt famously refused back in 2012, which broke the practice that his own father had started. Had Romney won the presidency after not disclosing his tax records, the lesson would be that the public would tolerate more secrecy about a candidate's finances and future wealthy presidential candidates (which is another way of saying "future viable presidential candidates") would also try to avoid disclosing their tax records when they run for office.

Romney's loss meant the country dodged a bunch of bigger bullets than this one. But I still think that the tradition of presidential candidates publicly disclosing their financial situation is a good thing. I'm glad Mitt failed in his bid to ruin it.