Friday, July 21, 2017

Comment update

Okay, so I haven't had time to deal with the comment issue.


(1) I don't know how to fix it (if it is fixable).

(2) I considered getting rid of Disqus and then using blogger's native comment system, except that you can't import comments into blogger comments. Which means if I do that, all the wit and wisdom of my commentators will be lost.1

(3) Another option is moving to a completely different 3rd party commenting system that is able to import my Disqus comments. I googled up this one, but I have no idea if it is any good. (It is #5 on this list, but Disqus is #1 so what do they know?)

(4) The only other options seem to be finding someone to untangle the problem in my blog's code so I can stick with Disqus, or just put up with having hinky comments for a while. I really don't want to do the latter, and I guess my first choice would be for someone to just figure this out for me so I don't have to deal with it any more.

Any volunteers? Or just suggestions? Let me know in the comments. Err, just email me. You can find the address on the right under the words "Harass me."

1-A lot of that wit and wisdom already was lost years ago. As you may remember, my first comment system was Haloscan (the only one I really liked even though I complained about it at the time). It was bought out by Echo, so my comments were transferred to Echo. Then Echo sucked so bad it went under so I moved to Disqus. Shortly after that transfer, I realized that a lot of my Haloscan-era comments were gone, but I wasn't sure if I lost them in the transition from Haloscan to Echo, or the transition from Echo to Disqus.