Wednesday, May 05, 2004

bad blogger. bad! bad!

i had to disappear to another hearing in new york today. between that, my arabic final and subsequent bar-hop, not to mention yesterday's continuing anti-troll action over at trish's place, i've pretty effectively neglected this page over the recent past. normally, when i stop posting, even for a short time, my hits drop like a stone. but today, while i was frolicking in another windowless and internet-less room in new york, people apparently continued to visit this page to read what i didn't post. it's nice to know that if i ever really want to hit the big time in the blogisphere, all i apparently have to do is totally blow this place off for a while.

but it never was about the popularity. you can't get rid of me that easily. i will post again!

in fact, i just did.