Thursday, May 27, 2004


as i've mentioned here before, i sometimes worry about the echo-chamber effect, where conservatives read only right wing blogs and liberals reading only left wing ones and each side preaching to the choir in parallel but alternate universes.

so this morning i took a cue from edwardpig and paid a visit to blogsforbush. i posted a comment to this post but when i came back an hour later, i found my comment (which i had to divide into 2 parts because of the 1000 word limit) had been deleted. i tried to post another comment and found that i had been banned.

but i saved a copy of what i wrote. as i read it again, i guess i was fairly belligerent. perhaps i should have been more polite. to some extent i was reacting to the tone of the original post and besides, that's no reason to censor my comment and then ban me. here's my original comment:

what a ridiculous post. the reference to gulag was obviously a reference to "the gulag archipelago", a novel about the string of prison camps the u.s.s.r. strung across siberia. as many people noted, the u.s. has created its own archipelago of prisons, from uzbekistan, to afghanistan, to pakistan, to iraq to saudi arabia, to cuba.

where have we seen even so much as an iota of evidence that even one prisoner was murdered in US custody

here's your iota: the pentagon now has already concluded that several deaths were, in fact, murder. at least one death certificate of a prisoner who died in u.s. custody the cause of death says "homicide." 37 is the number of cases currently being investigated precisely because there is evidence that they were killed in u.s. custody (and several of those 37 have already been ruled to be "unjustified homicide" i.e. murder.

as for your claim that the detained people are terrorists, others have already addressed the fact that 70-90% of those detained in iraq were innocent according to what the u.s. military told the red cross. also, the pentagon has already ruled that the geneva convention does apply to those captured in iraq.

perhaps you would have a better shot at convincing someone that gore is a dunce if you at least addressed those embarrassing facts that contradict what you’re posting. i am new to this site, but it looks to me that the people who post here are simply misinformed. to use your own words, i’m not seeing any sharp knives here, which is why i expect you will delete my comments rather than address my points.

when i came back and found my comments were gone, i tried to post the following, which is how i discovered that my i.p. is banned:
as i suspected you deleted my comments.

y'know, it's really easy to pat yourself on the back for "winning" a debate when you silence any opposing argument.

the only thing it proves is that you do not have a substantive response to my arguments

maybe i'll try again later from my computer at home...