Tuesday, May 25, 2004

blogger weirdnessity

i noticed this last night. for some reason, accessing blogspot websites doesn't work if you have the "www" in the address, but leaving it off works (e.g. www.upyernoz.blogspot.com will either get you an error or a cached version of this page, but upyernoz.blogspot.com gets you here just fine). this morning, i forgot about my discovery until steve reminded me in the comments. and all morning i thought that neither echidne nor atrios had updated today. in fact, they had, i just was seeing the copy that i had cached yesterday.

i'm pretty sure all the links on my blogroll are of the "www" variety, so if you go to a blogspot page from any of the links on the right, try deleting the "www" and reloading to see if anything new magically appears.

(but how can you even read this message unless you have already figured this out yourself?)