Saturday, June 05, 2004

b4b, one more time

i feel like i've been neglecting this place over the last few days. i've been busy with real life stuff (unemployment hearing yesterday out in bucks county, blah blah blah) and the blogs for bush rebutted site is sucking up whatever internet time i manage to find.

actually the b4b site is really pissing me off. i don't mean to go on and on about this, but they deleted my post even though it did not meet any of the grounds for deleting according to the site's own policy. also after leaving my single comment, they banned me even though their policy states that they will only ban people who "repeatedly displays behavior showing a lack of interest in reasonable discussion, or repeated offenses of any of the criteria [for deleting a post]." (emphasis added). whatever you think about my one comment, it was not a "repeated" offense.

so we started the rebuttal site as an attempt to get around their censorship and (hopefully) engage in an honest debate with the people who run the site. our first comment from one of the b4b writers "Jattison" seemed hopeful he wrote:
Hey! Neat, a whole counter blog. I feel special now. I hope you won't just be focusing on ol' Noonan. Cause that would be boring. :/

Anyways, I'll try to visit yer blog, as long as it doesn't result to personal attacks.

but actions speak louder than words. b4b has now banned all of the contributors to the rebuttal site who have identified themselves. they have also removed any trackbacks we have sent their way and banned us from sending any more. while our site repeatedly links to them, they have never linked to us or acknowledged our presence in their blog. instead, through their deleting and banning they have done everything they can to hide our presence from their readers. me and my rebuttal cohorts have bent over backwards to maintain a civil tone on our site and keep up a rational level of discourse. b4b's actions only indicate that they are either not interested in rational discussion or are unable to answer any of our rebuttals. in a sense it only personifies the paternalistic tone that their idol's administration has adopted throughout its tenure.

so if anyone out there (who has not been banned by them yet) wants to help us out, put a link to our site in the b4b comments. if you're on dial-up it might be harder for them to ban you because you get a unique i.p. every time you dial in. i'm working on other guerrilla methods of getting the fact that there is another side to the story to their readers, but any additional help will be welcome.

okay, i hereby declare this rant over. i would promise not to bring it up again, but what's the point? i know i'll do it if i feel ranty enough later. but i'll at least try to give it a break for a while. how's that?

we now return you to your regularly scheduled program