Sunday, March 19, 2006


today the iraq war turned three. i'm not sure what to write about it. this already said it better than i could. in any case, it's not like anyone reading this is waiting on the edge of their seats to find out what i think.

so instead, i'll make a prediction: we will get to 4. but i think there's a good chance we could avoid a 5--or at least could be on our way out at 5. that doesn't mean that iraq will be quiet in two years. it just means that we won't be there anymore making noise. if we get to 5, however, we will probably get to 6 and 7 too. the president after this one is the key. it's not only about the party in the white house, it's about whether the next prez is willing to break with the current one.

eventually we'll see how well my crystal ball works.

UPDATE (3/21/06): i'm an idiot. it's days later and i just realized that i miscounted the years. what i should have said is that we're gonna get to 4 and 5. W won't be out until 6. that's when two paths will finally diverge in the woods.