Wednesday, April 19, 2006

linky goodness

how 'bout that! it turns out i am an encryption expert in addition to being an expert in, um, well, running a lame-ass blog. (via steve)

and speaking of steve, go read his post about iran, including natasha's post (found within steve's post) about the city of istafan.

and speaking or iran, i actually agree with mr. mustache today (yeah, it's behind a times firewall. if i find a non-firewalled version, i'll update the link). i guess even a broken clock is right twice a day

and speaking of star wars (weren't we speaking of star wars? i'm always thinking about star wars. maybe i got confused), check out this guide to star wars sites in tunisia. i've been to a couple of them, but not all. i guess i'll have to go back. maybe jenny can go there for me. (via GW)

which brings me to my next link: a gratuitous link to a friend. um, let's see... i'll go with dr. pretentious this morning. everyone should drop by and tell her noz sent ya!

hey, and speaking of friends, go read defective yeti on the buddy system

which reminds me that i wanted to tell you to check out snubster. so, you know, go do that. (via ll cool)

which is the end of this post. you're all dead to me now (but don't stop reading or anything)