Saturday, November 18, 2006

delurking request

it's the weekend, which means that my hit numbers have fallen. even though i've seen this phenomenon for years now, it never ceases to amuse me. so many of my readers visit this place while goofing off at work. if not for workplace procrastination, no doubt, the blogosphere would be a much smaller place.

hey, while we're on the subject of hits, i might as well ask about this. as you all probably know, this site doesn't get all that many hits. i guess some might call this blog "obscure" or "unpopular", but i prefer to think of it as "cozy."

with the exception of the occasional hit spikes i get when the big wigs link to me and the random google hits, i seem to have a regular gang that hangs around here. and i like that just fine. some of you i know in real life. some of you i have never actually met in meatville, but i've still come to "know" you online. the thing is, i am pretty sure i know who all the regulars are. maybe not their secret identities or home addresses, but at least some vague idea of who is who.

or so i thought. a couple of weeks ago, maybe it was even months, i noticed these two visitors. one has an IP address from laporte, indiana and the other from essex, maryland. both visitors always enter via the link on atrios' blogroll. both visitors drop in fairly regularly. at least every couple of days, but it could be as often as daily (i don't watch close enough to be sure)

anyway, for some reason, i'm dying to know who both of these mystery visitors are. if you're reading this and think you might be one of them, can you say "hi" in the comments? you don't have to use your real name, a pseudonym will do. and if you're not comfortable with commenting, just hit the "harass me" link on the right and send me an email.

or not. everyone always has the right to torture me if they want. and everyone, even lurkers, are welcome here. i'm just a nosy person. i can't help it.

oh, one more thing, it could still be you even though you don't live or work in laporte, indiana or essex, maryland. my site tracker just records where your ISP enters the internet, not necessarily where you are. my hits from home, for example, record as being from wynnwood, PA, a suburb a couple of miles down the road from where i live. one regular visitor here has hits that register as being from minnesota even though i happen to know he lives and works in new york state (his company is based in minneapolis and apparently routes its internet traffic through there)

so that's all. mystery visitors from laporte and essex, who are you?