Tuesday, March 20, 2007

basis for redaction

last week's prosecutor-related document dump had a lot of redactions. for example, one of the early documents to come out was a list of each of the 93 prosecutors with info about most of them whited out. i assume last night's massive dump has redactions as well (though the muckrakers are still raking)

has anyone in the administration ever explained the redaction? it isn't national security, this stuff isn't classified. presumably there's no personal info like social security numbers (there aren't on the non-whited out bits). i don't see any legitimate basis for withholding the information. i guess they could say it's executive privilege, but you can't use privleges selectively like that. if you invoke a privilege, you withhold the whole document. you can't waive privilege for some elements of a document, but refuse to waive other bits because they may be more embarrassing.