Monday, July 16, 2007


as part of the ongoing prostitution ring scandal in washington, last week "DC madame" deborah jeanne palfrey's made public her list of customer's telephone numbers. just before the list came out, senator david vitter called a pre-emptive news conference and confessed to a "very serious sin." then he disappeared from public view.

for the past week, no one has seen senator vitter. but in his absence, some recalled that vitter was in the forefront of the criticism of clinton for his extra-marital activities back in the 1990s. then there's this 2000 quote from wendy vitter, senator vitter's wife:
I’m a lot more like Lorena Bobbitt than Hillary . . . If he does something like that, I’m walking away with one thing, and it’s not alimony, trust me.
well, senator vitter will reappear today, for the first time since his "very serious sin" news conference. i am sure we all will be listening carefully to see how high his voice is now.