Wednesday, September 19, 2007


this news blackout about the israeli "strike" (or whatever it was) on syria two weeks ago just adds another layer of mystery to the whole thing. since it happened i've heard theories that:

-it was an attempt to probe syrian air defenses.

-it was a rehearsal for an attack on iran.

-it was a botched attack on some target in syria (the planes jettisoned something over turkey on their way back. depending on the version you read it was either fuel or munitions).

-syrian air defenses fought off an attempted attack.

-israel attacked and destroyed a new syrian air defense system that was being built by the russians.

-israel destroyed an arms shipment bound for hezbollah in lebanon.

-israel attacked a north korean shipment of nuclear-related goods.

-israel attacked a secret syrian nuclear facility.

-israel attacked a syrian chemical weapons facility.

no doubt there are even more theories floating around out there that i haven't heard. (surely someone must think the knights templar are involved somehow)

the weird thing is that israel is usually not so secretive about it's air strikes. when it hit the iraq's nuclear facility at osirak in 1981, israel didn't hide the fact that it attacked a nuclear facility. these days, israeli officials usually call press conferences to explain their military strikes. the after-the-fact secrecy about it is really quite unusual, and is one of the factors that encourages speculation that something went wrong.