Wednesday, February 27, 2008

my crappy day

so while the world is spinning, apparently i'm not supposed to feel it spin.

the vertigo hit me all at once at about 10:30 this morning in my office. it was really strange how i felt fine one moment then a little while later i could barely stand. i spent almost two hours struggling to focus my attention enough to finish one stupid letter before it occurred to me that maybe i should go home. my co-worker convinced me that i shouldn't try to navigate the train system on my own so she called mrs. noz, who drove in to get me.

so now i'm home. sitting in bed and feeling much better. it looks like i picked up a viral infection in my inner ear which is mucking with my sense of balance. the funny thing is that, other than the world lurching violently around me, i feel pretty normal. and the topsy-turvy feeling is noticeably milder than it was just an hour ago. my doctor seems to think i lucked out with a mild case. i'm really hoping the dizziness doesn't stick around as long as all these online quacks say it could.