Sunday, September 07, 2008

the power of pop culture

once again yglesias makes a point that i've meant to say but never bothered to write. political islam is much more successful as an opposition movement than as a governing philosophy. religion is a handy tool to rail against the corruption of the establishment. but once it becomes the establishment then the islamists in charge either start to lose the support of the people or start to moderate their position. everyone hates the corrupt western puppet tool-of-a-leader, but dammit don't mess with pop culture!

i've long been fascinated by the tug-of-war between anti-western islamists and satellite dishes. it seems that every anti-satellite dish campaign ends up with failing. the only example i can think of where an anti-tv movement actually worked is in taliban-controlled afghanistan. and maybe the taliban didn't last long enough before illegal dishes became commonplace as they eventually have elsewhere.