Monday, November 03, 2008


as i mentioned before, i'm doing voter protection tomorrow for the obama campaign. all the americans out there should go out and vote (if you haven't early voted yet). and yes, that goes for the trolls too. i'm a big believer in everyone's voting rights. plus it looks like we're gonna kick your ass this year. i can afford to be magnanimous. ;)

by any measure the voting system in this country is a total mess, with each jurisdiction having its own rules and it's own voting methods. wherever you are, if you have trouble voting don't back down and leave before you've submitted a ballot. seek assistance from the volunteers on the scene or call your local voting authority for help. if that doesn't work, call the campaign that you support and ask for their help. both campaigns will do whatever they can to make sure their supporters have the right to cast a ballot. as a very last resort, ask for a provisional ballot. the worst thing to do is to be turned away from the polls without casting any kind of vote. and go in knowing your rights. the ACLU has state-by-state information. the obama campaign has a good summary of your rights as a voter in each state. there's also some good information at the 866-our-vote web site. it's a non-partisan group you can also call if you have problems voting and don't want to call a campaign.

if you're a pennsylvania resident, find your polling place here. or residents of any state can find their voting place through the obama campaign site or the mccain site. each county uses a different voting machine in this state, you can watch a demo video for your machine here (again, this is only for PA. other states may have their own page). the PAvotes web site contains a lot of good links and information. if you live in another state, your own state may have set up an equivalent site.

UPDATE (5:14 p.m.): i moved this to the top of the page because i want everyone to see it. go out and vote!