Monday, March 16, 2009

two down...

mr. geekazoid sez that the iphone 3.0 will include a copy/paste. woo-hoo! it's about time.

now all i need is arabic support. it's really odd that they haven't done that yet considering that the iphone is currently available in a several arab countries (even former members of the taliban are hooked). i realize that dealing with a script that goes backwards with letters that change shape depending where they appear in a word is tricky (desktop computers still have a hard time with switching between the two scripts). i've googled around and found a bunch of methods for making an iphone arabic compatible, but i'm suspicious of unofficial patches because apple is so prickly about them.

also i just want my phone to be able to display arabic while keeping the english-based operating system. i don't want to switch everything over to arabic. there's got to be a way to get the iphone so that it can handle both. maybe iphone will be the answer.