Monday, August 03, 2009


i realize the birthers are crazy, so i almost hesitate to ask, but i can't stop wondering: why are the birthers convinced that obama was born in mombasa? mombasa keeps coming up as the president's alleged birthplace in almost every version of birtherism, it's even on the latest ridiculous forgery.

the president's father is from nyang’oma kogelo, a town near lake victoria and the ugandan border. mombasa, on the other hand, is on the indian ocean, literally the other end of the country.

i understand why they might theorize that the president was born in kenya, his father was kenyan after all. but why are they naming a particular city that far from where obama's family is from, in a place that has very few luo (the father's ethnic group)? and while obama sr. lived (and died) in nairobi, i can't find any credible (i.e. non-birther) indication that he ever lived in mombasa.

so where does this mombasa thing come from?

UPDATE: this doesn't clear up where the mombasa thing came from, but kos quotes a comment by CatM that notes "Mombasa belonged to Zanzibar when Obama was born, not Kenya." wiki agrees: "Mombasa was part of the state of Zanzibar until 12 December 1963 when it was ceded to be incorporated into the newly independent state of Kenya."

it still doesn't answer my question "why mombasa?" but it does illustrate another reason why hitching their wagon onto that particular city was a bad choice.