Sunday, March 28, 2010

he finally did it

good for obama (but what took him so long?)

also, if this really were some bonanza for labor unions as the republicans in congress are whining, he could have done three recess appointments, not just one. there are three vacancies on the five-member NLRB. all three appointments have been blocked by the GOP. obama would be well within his rights to recess appoint all three of them, but instead he did just one. obama could have had an instant majority of appointees on the board, but instead he decided to do the minimum number of recess appointments to keep the agency operating.

UPDATE: as taxbob pointed out in the comments, i was wrong. obama used his recess appointment powers to appoint two of the three pending nominees. and via MatthewB's comment this kevin drum post reassures me that the president is willing to play hardball when he makes a deal with the GOP and they break it. if he keeps this up, maybe the republicans will learn to stop breaking their deals.