Tuesday, September 14, 2010

speaking of pinheads

i left a comment to this post over the weekend. all i was reacting to was this sentence:
The rest of the presser involved Obama making excuses for the economy - as if Democrats haven't had filibuster-proof control of Congress since 2007 - and avoiding questions about how many Democrat incumbents are running away from him and his policies in an effort to avoid responsibility for the mess they've created.
in my comment i pointed out that the democrats only gained a theoretical filibuster-proof majority when al franken was sworn in on july 7, 2009, and then they lost it when scott brown was sworn in on february 4, 2010. rather than having "filibuster proof control of Congress since 2007", the democrats had enough members of their caucus to defeat a filibuster for a total of 212 days. plus, even during that period, as a practical matter they did not have a filibuster-proof majority on most votes because on most issues individual members of the democratic caucus like ben nelson or joe lieberman would join with the republican filibuster. so as a practical matter democratic leadership never had a filibuster-proof majority for a lot of things they cared about.

anyway, i submitted my comment and got a message that it was in the moderation queue, presumably pending approval of joshua himself. today, i noticed that although subsequent comments have been posted, my comment was never accepted, even though i made nothing but a factual point. needless to say, the "since 2007" line remains in the post, without correction.

i only noticed because i dropped back in to peek at the blog today to see that joshua pundit laments accountability for military coups. i guess the overthrow of democracy with thousands of civilians missing and hundreds of thousand tortured is a good thing is this guy's mind.