Thursday, December 27, 2018

Trump's incentive to keep the shut down going

From the start it has been clear that Democrats really have no incentive to end the shutdown. The President admitted that a government shutdown would be his fault before it even happened, the issue that the President has shut down the government over (funding for the wall) is pretty unpopular with the public, and the Democrat's just have to wait until the first week in January before they assume control of the House and get even more bargaining power in the budget negotiations. The issue was not whether the President will cave, but how long he will take (and how many people will suffer and how much extra taxpayers dollars will be wasted) before he caves.

But I wonder if this will change his calculation. I have no idea how much of a threat he thinks the emoluments lawsuit is. But if he is worried about it at all, this will give him one more reason to hold out a bit longer.