Monday, May 20, 2019

Where is my favorite vampyre?

This is an old blog, almost old enough to drive! In the early-ish days I was obsessed with Jonathon "the Impailer" Sharkey, a self-proclaimed vampyre who also ran for political office. I particularly was fond of his 2008 presidential campaign, centered on the promise of universal health care and a promise to personally impale President George W. Bush. There is a good overview of Sharkey's history here (unfortunately, the links all all dead so you'll just have to take my word for it about my tip-top sourcing). A few more things happened after that 2008 recap. In 2010, he did a creepy YouTube proposal to his underage girlfriend, which caused her to run away from home to marry him, prompting an intervention by the authorities.

Sharkey mostly disappeared after that, except that he did have a small (less covered) and brief presidential run for the Republican nomination in 2011. In his August 17, 2011 letter to the FEC stating that he was ending his campaign, Sharkey noted that he had "all intentions of running in 2020."

Am I the only one who remembers this stuff? While we don't need more Democratic candidates, Sharkey usually ran as a Republican (and if not, under the Reform Party or as an independent). We could certainly use someone to make the GOP primary more interesting.

Hey Sharkey, when are you going to declare?