Monday, September 16, 2019

The rock-solid logical foundation of America's next war

Some oil refineries blew up in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis tend to blame Iran for just about everything but have remained closed-mouthed about who is responsible so far. The Trump Administration is enthusiastically blaming Iran because they also blame Iran for anything bad that happens in the Middle East, plus the U.S. has such a weak-willed President, he seems to be taking orders from the Saudis about who to attack in retaliation. The Iranians deny they did it, because, of course they do (they would deny it whether they were behind it or not).

Meanwhile the Houthis are off to the side, jumping up and down, insisting they did it, but the Americans and Saudis don't believe they could have done it on their own because something or other about how strapping some explosives to a bunch of drones is too complicated for those ignorant Houthis. Plus both KSA and the Trump administration subscribe to the "shiite Arabs have no agency" theory of the Middle East so even if the Houthis did really do it, that just means the Iranians did it.

Meanwhile, none of them--not the Trump administration, the Saudi government, the Iranian government, or the Houthis--have any credibility at all to give an accurate account of what happened or who is responsible. That's where we are.