Thursday, February 23, 2023

MTJ may be pushing to be a red minority in a blue country

I realize it is little more than a slogan designed to rile people up uttered by a crazy person, but someone should point out to Marjorie Taylor Green that if her "national divorce" happens and red and blue states each become their own country, it is not 100% clear what side Georgia would be on. Sure, Georgia has a Republican governor and controls both sides of the state legislature. But it was a blue state in the last presidential election, and Democrats won the last three U.S. Senate races.

Georgia is, at best (from MTG's perspective), a red-leaning swing state. If there was a statewide referendum about what country to join, it could end up going blue again. It certainly gets bluer in statewide races when turnout is high, as I expect it would be if there was a ballot choice about which country to join.