Sunday, August 08, 2004


dammit! blogger ate my brilliant post. of course i'm being billed by the minute at this internet cafe. my loonies are flying out of my pocket as we speak.

anyway as i was saying before it disappeared, there was a three-way tie in the vote. i blame CaTHY for not voting properly on time. at the last minute before we left, i held up the three books and made mrs. noz break the tie. #3 is the winner, the same book that would have won if CaTHY was on the ball. appropriately enough, it was the only book on the list which is by a canadian.

i'm in vancouver. the flights here yesterday were pretty uneventful. i managed to get a bit of arabic done on the flight without alarming any air marshals. today, we spent most of the day so far wandering. in fact, we basically crossed the city, going from our hotel near gastown all the way to ubc which took about 3-1/2 hours on foot. we just came back from seeing the excellent museum of anthropology next to the university.

we have a few more days here and then, on wednesday, we head north for prince rupert--the last town on the pacific coast of british columbia before you get to alaska.

while i posted a lot when i was on my uzbek trip last year, i'm not sure they will be as frequent this time around. this year i'm not traveling alone, but with mrs. noz. it is only because of her love of naps that i am writing to you now.

i feel pretty distant from politics right now. basically my posting reflect whatever i happen to be obsessing about and so (to the extent i post at all) my posts on this trip may not be as political as usual. (or maybe they will. i am the last person who should be trying to predict my obsessions)

and speaking of obsessions. i gotta go!