Monday, March 20, 2006

philly film fest ahoy

the philadelphia film festival is fast approaching. each year i get a ten movie pass and end up buying a few extra tickets on top of that. but first, i gotta decide what i'm gonna see.

my approach is usually pretty scattershot. my goal is to see good stuff that i won't otherwise get to see after the fest. but the films i know the most about, the ones with a lot of buzz or that i've heard of, almost always get a commercial release later on. so i tend to avoid them. but that leaves me pretty much in the dark, depending on word of mouth or whether i recognize the director. i also see a bunch of random films based entirely upon the location and time (i.e. what happens to be convenient), and i try to see all the films with arabic in them.

[an aside--yet another way arabic is ruining my english: when i wrote the above sentence i had to force myself to write "films" instead of "aflaam." memorizing broken plurals ruins your brain.]

anyway, if you got a moment, click over to the festival site and let me know if there's anything i should check out. leave your suggestions in the comments.