bush predicts republicans will be "victorious in November."
i predict he will be wrong. i predict that democrats will end up with control of the house, and might get a majority in the senate (though that is still less than a 50% chance in my guestimation). but either way, i predict that republicans will lose seats in both chambers.
i also predict that neither tony the pony nor Golden Boy will acknowledge that the president predicted wrong. i predict that, after the republicans lose seats, tony will argue that by predicting "victory" the president didn't mean that his party would make any gains in the election. tony will note that republicans did not lose every single one of the 435 house elections and will point to the overwhelming victory of a republican congressman in a safe seat in mississippi to demonstrate that the president was right. he will also call me "immature" for calling the president wrong.
i predict that Golden Boy will argue that the president was right when he predicted victory in november 2006 because clinton’s party lost a lot of seats in the 1994 midterm election.